Ysoscher Katz


Ysoscher Katz is the Chair of the Talmud department at Yeshivat Chovevei Torah and the past Senior Rabbi of the Prospect Heights Shul.  He studied at the Satmar, Brisk, and Beit Yosef Navaradok yeshivot.  Receiving his smicha shortly after high school, R. Katz has taught Talmud and halakhah at a wide array of institutions.  For nine years, he delivered a daily daf yomi shiur- twice a day in Borough Park- attended by many.  During the past years, he has taught weekly Jewish thought and Talmud classes for professionals on the Upper East Side and Park Slope, and at the Skirball Center for adult education. A graduate of HaSha'ar’s educators program, he also worked as the Judaic studies coordinator for the innovative Luria school, and taught at Ma'ayanot, SAR, and Ramaz High Schools.  In addition, he has directed the Lindenbaum Center for Modern Orthodox Halakhah, composed responsa on vital contemporary halakhic issues, and writes extensively on matters pertaining to Jewish society for publications including the Forward, Jerusalem Post, Makor Rishon, and the Times of Israel.  He lectures widely, most recently in Jerusalem, Melbourne, Zurich, and LA, and has been a visiting scholar at JOFA, Eshel, Pearlstone and Limmud.